Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the financial year ended 31 December 2022

Note 2022
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit/(loss) for the financial year 751,589 (55,493)
Adjustments for:
– income tax expense 6,678 4,390
– depreciation and amortisation charges 209,219 151,679
– (gain)/loss on disposal of vessel (23,391) 4,935
– gain on disposal of subsidiaries 9 (2,092)
– interest income (6,977) (2,355)
– interest expense 93,559 39,004
– capitalised financing fees written off 4,496
– other finance expense 2,516 3,333
– share of (profit)/loss of equity-accounted investees, net of tax (24,152) 1,768
– equity-settled share-based payment transactions 1,760 3,147
Operating cash flow before working capital changes 1,008,709 154,904
Changes in working capital:
– inventories (265) (1,433)
– trade and other receivables (319,944) (37,462)
– trade and other payables 45,935 (5,128)
Cash generated from operations 734,435 110,881
Income tax paid (4,986) (4,443)
Net cash provided by operating activities 729,449 106,438
Cash flows from investing activities
Interest income received 4,172 877
Loan to joint venture 13 (11,500) (13,500)
Loan to pool participants 13 (10,812) (34,704)
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired 3 4,195
Acquisition of other investments (324) (3,501)
Equity investment in joint venture 14 (1,814) (10,213)
Purchase of intangible assets 10 (248) (367)
Proceeds from disposal of assets held for sale 11,000
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 255,809 29,191
Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries 9 15,882
Dividend received from associated company 14 1,825
Purchase of property, plant and equipment 9 (447,137) (26,663)
Net cash used in investing activities (189,952) (47,880)
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from borrowings from external financial institutions 440,257 622,685
Proceeds from borrowings from a related corporation 3,750 18,750
Repayment of borrowings to external financial institutions (415,901) (622,085)
Repayment of borrowings to a related corporation (22,500)
Repayment of borrowings to non-related parties (558) (390)
Repayment of lease liabilities (231,086) (39,771)
Payment of financing fees (1,990) (5,106)
Interest paid to external financial institutions (87,843) (29,869)
Interest paid to a third party (24) (33)
Proceeds from exercise of employee share options 1,459
Proceeds from equity raise 97,780
Payment of equity raise costs (1,170)
Dividends paid 29 (243,748)
Other finance expense paid (3,558) (3,335)
Net cash used in financing activities (465,132) (59,154)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 74,365 (596)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the financial year 100,075 100,671
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the financial year 15 174,440 100,075

Significant non-cash transactions

On 27 January 2022, the Group acquired Chemical Tankers Inc and its subsidiaries (“CTI”) by way of issuance of new shares of the Company together with the Company’s existing treasury shares. The fair value of the net assets of CTI acquired amounted to USD 221.1 million. Refer to Note 3.

Reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities

Non-cash changes – USD’000
1 January 2022
Financial cash flows (i)
Additional leases capitalised during the year Acquisition of subsidiaries Disposal of subsidiaries Interest expense Fair value changes on cash flow hedges 31 December 2022
Bank borrowings 1,112,912 (421,349) 34,813 726,376
Loan from a related corporation 18,750 (19,453) 703
Loan from non-related parties 4,781 (582) 1,620 5,429
Finance and other lease liabilities 195,150 128,789 1,895 702,423 (46,604) 61,829 1,043,482
Derivative financial instruments (327) 4,707 (5,406) (68,110) (69,136)


Non-cash changes – USD’000
1 January 2021
Financial cash flows (i) USD ’000 Additional leases capitalised during the year Interest expense Capitalised financing fees written off Fair value changes on cash flow hedges Other finance expense 31 December 2021
Bank borrowings 1,110,527 (24,389) 22,278 4,496 1,112,912
Loan from a related corporation 18,489 261 18,750
Loan from non-related parties 4,781 (423) 33 4,391
Finance and other lease liabilities 191,986 (42,863) 36,226 9,801 195,150
Derivative financial instruments 15,991 (6,633) 6,631 (16,321) 5 (327)

(i) The cash flows make up the net amount of proceeds from borrowings, repayments of borrowings, interest expense and financing fees paid as reported in the statement of cash flows.

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