Financial statements

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

For the financial year ended 31 December 2022

Note 2022
Revenue 4 1,832,544 811,217
Voyage expenses 5 (485,848) (408,282)
TCE income # 1,346,696 402,935
Other operating income 40,461 23,177
Vessel operating expenses 5 (263,903) (192,459)
Technical management expenses (23,627) (16,014)
Charter hire expenses (33,154) (22,903)
Other expenses 5 (42,979) (42,979)
Operating profit before depreciation and amortisation charges 1,006,949 151,757
Gain/(loss on disposal of vessel 23,391 (4,935)
Gain on disposal of subsidiaries 9 2,092
Depreciation charge of property, plant and equipment 9 (207,989) (150,460)
Amortisation charge of intangible assets 10 (1,230) (1,219)
Operating profit/(loss) 823,213 (4,857)
Interest income 6,977 2,355
Interest expense (93,559) (39,004)
Capitalised financing fees written off (4,496)
Other finance expense (2,516) (3,333)
Finance expense – net (89,098) (44,478)
Share of (loss)/profit of equity-accounted investees, net of tax 14 24,152 (1,768)
Profit/(loss) before income tax 758,267 (51,103)
Income tax expense 7 (6,678) (4,390)
(Loss)/profit for the financial year 751,589 (55,493)
Other comprehensive income:
Item that may be subsequently reclassified to income statement
Foreign operations – foreign currency translation differences 64 (1)
Fair value gains on cash flow hedges 73,516 9,693
Reclassification to profit or loss (5,406) 6,628
Other comprehensive income 68,174 16,320
Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the year, net of tax 819,763 (39,173)
Earnings per share attributable to the equity holders of the Company
(expressed in USD per share)
Basic earnings/(loss) per share 8 1.57 (0.15)
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share 8 1.54 (0.15)

#“TCE income” denotes “time charter equivalent income” which represents revenue from time charters and voyage charters less voyage expenses comprising primarily brokers’ commission, fuel oil and port charges. TCE is a standard measure used in the shipping industry for reporting of income, providing improved comparability across different types of charters.

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