
Term Definition
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
AER Annual Efficiency Ratio
Bareboat Charter An arrangement where charterer has possession and control of the vessel, including the right to appoint the crew
Bermuda Companies Act The Companies Act 1981, as amended, of Bermuda
Bunkers Fuel used on vessels to run its engines
BWTS Ballast Water Treatment System
Chemical Tanker Vessel suitable for carrying clean petroleum products and wide range of chemicals
Chemical-Handy Chemical handy size, class of chemical tankers with cargo carrying capacity between 25,000 dwt and 39,999 dwt
Chemical-Handy Pool The Chemical-Handy pool for Chemical-Handy vessels (one of seven commercial tanker pools the Group operates as a pool manager for)
Chemical-MR Chemical medium range, class of chemical tankers with cargo carrying capacity between 40,000 dwt and 54,999 dwt
Chemical-MR Pool The Chemical-MR pool for Chemical-MR vessels (one of seven commercial tanker pools the Group operates as a pool manager for)
CII Carbon Intensity Indicator
Coating Coatings applied to product tanker tanks, allowing the vessel to load refined oil products
Commercial Management An arrangement to manage a vessel’s commercial operation on behalf of the shipowner
Corporate Governance Code Corporate Governance Code
CTI Chemical Tankers, Inc
DEI Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Demurrage A charge payble to the shipowner by the charterer of a vessel upon failure in discharging the vessel within the time agreed
DIBE Diversity, Equity and Belonging
DIBE Diversity Inclusion Belonging and Equity
DNV International classification society
DSG Diversity Study Group
Dwt Deadweight ton, a measure of the carrying capacity of a vessel
EBIT Earnings Before Interest and Tax
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization
EEXI Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index
EMS Environmental Management System
EMT Executive Management Team
ESG Environmental, Social and Governance
EU ETS European Emission Trading System
EUR The lawful currency of the participating member states in the European Union
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GRI Global Reporting Initiative
GSI Guangzhou Shipyard International Co., Ltd
Hafnia Hafnia Limited
Handy Handy size, class of product tankers with cargo carrying capacity between 25,000 dwt and 39,999 dwt
Handy Pool Handy pool for Handy vessels (one of seven commercial tanker pools the Group operates as a pool manager for)
HMD Hyundai Mipo Dockyard
HSEQ Health, safety, environment and quality
IASB International Accounting Standards Board
IBIA International Bunker Industry Association
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union
IMO International Maritime Organisation
ISM Code International Safety Management Code
ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security
JMU Japan Marine United
KPI Key Performance Indicator, a performance measure that evaluates an organisation’s progress towards its long-term goals
LG Leadership Group
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas carriers
LOTO Lock out, tag out (LOTO) is a safety procedure used to ensure that dangerous equipment is properly shut off and not able to be started up again prior to the completion of maintenance or repair work.
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas carriers
LR1 Long Range I, class of product tankers with cargo carrying capacity between 55,000 dwt and 84,999 dwt
LR1 Pool The LR1 pool for LR1 vessels (one of seven commercial tanker pools the Group operates as a pool manager for)
LR2 Long Range II, class of product tankers with cargo carrying capacity between 85,000 dwt and 124,999 dwt
LR2 Pool The LR2 pool for LR2 vessels (one of seven commercial tanker pools the Group operates as a pool manager for)
LTIF Lost Time Incident Frequency
LTIP The long-term incentive plan established by the Board of Directors
MACN Maritime Anti-Corruption Network
MIF Maritime Industry Framework
MLC Maritime Labour Convention
MPAs Marine Protected Areas
MR Medium range, class of product tankers with cargo carrying capacity between 40,000 dwt and 54,999 dwt
MR Pool MR pool for MR vessels (one of seven commercial tanker pools the Group operates as a pool manager for)
MT Metric ton
Net Loan-to-value (LTV) A leverage ratio, measured by vessel bank and finance lease debt (excluding debt for vessels sold but pending legal completion) less cash divided by broker vessel values (100% owned vessels)
NOK Norwegian kroner, the lawful currency of Norway
OPEC Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Oslo Stock Exchange Oslo Børs, a stock exchange operated by a Norwegian stock exchange being part of Euronext and operated by Oslo Børs ASA
P&I Club Protection & Indemnity club
Pool or Pools Specialized Pool, Handy Pool, MR Pool, LR1 Pool, LR2 Pool, Chemical-Handy Pool, Chemical-MR Pool, collectively
PPE Personal Protection Equipment
Product Tanker Vessel suitable for carrying clean petroleum products, edible oils and very light chemical cargo grades
PSC Port State Control
SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
Scorpio Scorpio Tankers Inc
SGD Singapore Dollar, the lawful currency of Singapore
SMA Singapore Maritime Academy
Specialized Specialized, class of product tankers with car- go carrying capacity below 20,000 dwt
Specialized Pool Specialized pool for specialized vessels (one of seven commercial tanker pools the Group operates as a pool manager for)
Spot Market Market exposed to short term fluctuations in charter rates where vessels are contracted for a single voyage
SPP SPP Shipbuilding
STX STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd
TCE Time Charter Equivalent, a standard income reporting measure used in the shipping industry, representing voyage income less voyage expenses
TCFD Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure
Technical Management To manage a vessel’s technical operations and crew on behalf of the shipowner
Time Charter An arrangement where charterer undertakes to hiring of a vessel for a stated period of time but the shipowner is responsible for crewing the vessel
Tonne-mile A measure of one tonne of freight moved over a distance of one mile
TRCF Total Recordable Case Frequency
USD The lawful currency of the United States

Alternative Performance Measures

An alternative performance measure (“APM”) is defined as a measure of historical or future financial perfor- mance, financial position, or cash flows, other than a financial measure defined or specified in the applicable financial reporting framework (IFRS).

It is the Company’s view that APMs provide investors with relevant and specific operating figures which may enhance their understanding of the Group’s performance.

The Company uses the following APMs:

Term Definition
TCE income Income from its time charters and spot voyages for owned vessels. TCE income is calculated as gross freight income net of broker commissions less voyage expenses.
Voyage expenses Voyage expenses are expenses related to spot voyages, including bunker fuel expenses, port fees, cargo loading and unloading ex- penses, canal tolls and agency fees.
TCE income per operating day TCE income per vessel per operating day. TCE income per operating day is a measure of how well the Group manages the fleet commercially.
OPEX per calendar day The Group defines OPEX per calendar day as vessel operating expenses and technical management fees per vessel per calendar day. Vessel operating expenses include insurance, repairs and maintenance, spares and consumable stores, lube oils and communi- cation.
EBITDA The Group defines EBITDA as earnings before financial income and expenses, depreciation, impairment, amortisation and taxes. The computation of EBITDA refers to financial income and expenses which the Company deems to be equivalent to “”interest”” for purposes of presenting EBITDA. Financial expenses consist of interest on bank loans, losses on foreign exchange transactions and bank charges. Financial income consists of interest income and gains on foreign exchange transactions.
EBITDA is used as a supplemental financial measure by management and external users of financial statements, such as lenders, to assess the Company’s operating performance as well as compliance with the financial covenants and restrictions contained in the Company’s financing agreements. The Company believes that EBITDA assists management and investors by increasing comparability of the Company’s performance from period to period. This increased comparability is achieved by excluding the potentially disparate effects of interest, depreciation, impairment, amortisation and taxes. These are items that could be affected by various changing financing methods and capital structure which may significantly affect profit/(loss) between periods. Including EBITDA as a measure benefits investors in selecting between investment alternatives.
Technical off-hire The Group defines technical off-hire as the time lost due to off-hire days associated with major repairs, drydocks or special or intermediate surveys. Technical off-hire per vessel is calculated as an average for owned, partly owned, bareboat and chartered-in vessels (not weighted by ownership share in each vessel).
Calendar days The Group defines calendar days as the total number of days in a period during which each vessel that is owned, partly owned or chartered-in is in its possession, including technical off-hire days. Calendar days are an indicator of the size of the fleet over a period and affect both the amount of revenue and the amount of expense that the Group records during that period.
Voyage days The Group defines voyage days as the total number of days (including waiting time) in a period during which each vessel is owned, partly owned, operated under a bareboat arrangement or chartered-in, net of technical off-hire days. The Company uses voyage days to measure the number of days in a period during which vessels actually generate or are capable of generating revenue.
Chemical-Handy Pool The Chemical-Handy pool for Chemical-Handy vessels (one of seven commercial tanker pools the Group operates as a pool manager for)
Average number of owned vessels The Group defines average number of vessels in a period as the number of vessels included in the consolidated accounts according to the accounting principles for such period. Vessels sold or purchased during the relevant period are weighted by the number of days owned.

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